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Stationary type automatic blowing machine
更新时间:2019-09-25 13:30:55 浏览次数:698


 Technical parameters:

1Product volume(L)50L
2Diameter of screwΦ9038CrMoALA
3Screw (L/D)ratio25/1
4Plasticizing capacity60-150kg
5Mold platen size950×1080mm
6Platen opening stroke450-1050mm
7Mold size780×900mm
8Mold thickness460-560mm
10Clamping force320kn
11 Accumulator volume6.8kg
12Max diameter of die head350mm
13Down blowing scope0-250mm
14Air pin scope150mm
15Opening scope140-420mm
16Working table scope0-400mm
17Extruder heating power16kw
18Die head heating power20kw
19Extruder motor power37kw变频
20Oil pump power18.5kw伺服
21Total power95kw
22Average energy consume53kw
23Dimension (LxWxH)3150×3550×3700mm


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